All the Members,
Bihar Cricket Association
This is to notify that ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of General Body ofBCA is scheduled to be held on 12.09.2021 through person-in-presence* and/ or Web, as the circumstances may permit.The venue and time shall be intimated later. The AGM shall transact the following:-
(a) Confirmation of the minutes of the previous General Meetings.
(b) Adoption of the Report of the Secretary for the year under review.
(c) Adoption of the Treasurer’s Report and the audited accounts for the year under review.
(d) Adoption of the Annual Budget.
(e) Appointment of Auditor or Auditors for the year and fix their remuneration.
(f) Appointment/Renewal of appointment of the Ombudsman and Ethics Officer.
(g) Appointment/Renewal of the Cricket Committees and Standing Committees as mentioned in Rules 29 and 28respectively.
(h) (i) Consideration of the Report and recommendations of the Committee of Management, The Chief Executive Officer and the Committees and to propose policy directions to the Committee of Management.
(ii) Consideration of the Report and recommendations of the Governing Council and to propose policy directions to the Committee of Management.
(iii) Consideration/review of amendments to the Rules and Regulations of the BCA, and registration of amendments by department of registration, Government of Bihar.
(iv) Consideration of the Reports of the Ombudsman and Ethics Officer and any recommendations made therein.
(j) To appoint the BCA’s Representative or Representatives on the BCCI Conference or similar Conferences.
(k) (i) Consideration of any other business which the President may consider necessary to be included in the agenda.
(ii) Transaction of any other business of an informal character as may be permitted by the Chairperson.
Not Signed As Sent Electronically
Rakesh Kumar Tiwary
Bihar Cricket Association